A junk drawer, everybody has one. Rubber bands, pencils, screwdrivers, birthday candles, old keys, etc., are all items that might be found in any given junk drawer. But what are some items that are practically mandatory to be in a junk drawer for it to officially be considered a junk drawer?

We thought it would be fun to find out what you thought a junk drawer should have in it and what you have in yours.

That's why we conducted our own online survey. We asked Acadiana Facebook users, "What is Something Every Junk Drawer Has to Have to be Considered a Junk Drawer?" We heard answers that included everything from batteries to stress balls. Popular answers included restaurant menus, candles, emergency ketchup and yes, many respondents said, "junk".


What is Something Every Junk Drawer Has to Have to be Considered a Junk Drawer?

"Measuring tape." -Kristi N.

"Batteries, super glue and a random key that nobody can remember what it's for but holds on to it...just in case. And scissors." -Anna D.

Screwdriver. -Tanya L.

"Expired driver's license." -Marroll A.

"Bread ties." -Allison W.

"Scotch tape." -Rebecca L.

"Old keys and change." -Susan C.

"Chinese food menu." -Christine T.

"Matches." -Beth H.

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A ton of pens. -Jennifer B.

"Batteries, junk mail." -Dorie S.

"Rubber bands, take-out menus." -Darlene D.

"Duct tape." -Dennis A.

"Tie straps and band-aids." -Katrina F.

"An Allen wrench." -Michelle G.

"Tape." -Maria P.

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Menus, batteries, tape, pens and pencils, coozies, pictures, cards, etc. -Sue L.

"Batteries and rubber bands from the morning paper every morning." -Cathy L.

"Random screws, scotch tape, pens." -Alexa T.

"Misc screws and bolts." -Todd D.

"Tube of dry glue. Dead batteries. Cords in a tangle, 50 dry ink pens and some coupons." -Ed B.

"Packets of mustard and ketchup." -Joanie S.

Miscellaneous takeaway promotional items from conventions-pens, notepads, chargers, stress balls, measuring tape, sticky notes, etc. -Paula H.

"Taco bell hot sauce!" -Tiffany B.

"Scissors, screwdriver, tape, flashlight batteries. The rest is just a mess." -Mona S.

"Rubber bands." -Shelley S.

"Spare keys." -Nicole H.

"Pens, pencils, screws, index cards." -Rhonda T.

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Scotch tape, corkscrew, super glue, Sharpies, scissors, deck of cards, chapstick, tape measure, pens and note pads, nail file, spare readers and various take-out menus. -Denise D.

"Tools." -Nelson H.

"Random keys that no one knows what they go to." -Jennifer T.

"Twisty ties! And chip clips!" Mary G.

"Return address labels." -Lynda S.

"A lil knife." -Tim J.

"Nails." -Tracy R.

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Dried up highlighter, scotch tape, 4-watt night light bulb, a pencil that you don't have a sharpener for, a recipe from the 70s that someone in your family wanted your grandma to make, a book of matches from an 80s wedding with 2 matches left in it, something rusty, a random paper clip, a brittle rubber band and a very old sauce pack from Arbys or taco bell and bonus points if you have a jelly pack from a restaurant from some vacation years ago. -Jean P.

And Christine T. said, "Random batteries and random power cords (that no one knows what they go to but you can't throw them out just in case."

KEEP READING: Check out these totally awesome '80s toys

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