Tim McGraw and Blanco Brown Duet Don’t Take the Girl
Don't Take the Girl was McGraw's hit back in 1994, and The Git Up singer Blanco Brown has been a fan of it ever since. McGraw found out Brown was a big fan after researching the popularity of The Git Up. It took a few voyages to Australia by Brown for the two to finally come up with the plan to sing the song together.
The video starts out with the backstory on Brown and his discovery of Country music and McGraw. It then goes into the pair in a studio standing around a guitar player taking turns singing the song. It is mostly Brown singing the song as McGraw smiles and watches. He does take a verse, but you can tell how in awe McGraw is of Brown's voice. Personally, I am too. The man can actually sing! He even has a good ole Country music twang to his voice as he rips through the lyrics with perfection.
This isn't the first time McGraw has dabbled around with hip-hop or pop. Less we forget the collab he did with Nelly. Well, maybe we should forget that one.