Don't Take the Girl was McGraw's hit back in 1994, and The Git Up singer Blanco Brown has been a fan of it ever since. McGraw found out Brown was a big fan after researching the popularity of The Git Up. It took a few voyages to Australia by Brown for the two to finally come up with the plan to sing the song together.

Blanck Brown Tim McGraw 3

The video starts out with the backstory on Brown and his discovery of Country music and McGraw. It then goes into the pair in a studio standing around a guitar player taking turns singing the song. It is mostly Brown singing the song as McGraw smiles and watches. He does take a verse, but you can tell how in awe McGraw is of Brown's voice. Personally, I am too. The man can actually sing! He even has a good ole Country music twang to his voice as he rips through the lyrics with perfection.

This isn't the first time McGraw has dabbled around with hip-hop or pop. Less we forget the collab he did with Nelly. Well, maybe we should forget that one.

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