Truck Stop Tiger To Be Stuffed And Mounted
The truck stop tiger from a Grosse Tete gas station was euthanized earlier this week and now the owner of the gas station says that the tiger will be stuffed and mounted.
The owner of the truck stop told WBRZ-TV that the tiger will be mounted and put on display at the truck after an autopsy is performed on the animal.
Michael Sandlin, the owner of the truck stop, did say that he wants to get another tiger for his location, but that the state currently will not allow for such to happen. He says that he will file an 'emergency writ' to demand another tiger.
Tony the Tiger was about 18-years-old and was reportedly euthanized due to kidney failure. A memorial has been set up at Tony's cage in Grosse Tete.
How do you feel about this animal being stuffed and mounted? Should the owner do such a thing or is this a bit too much? Let us know in the comment section below.