Parents are questioning why a 6-year-old T-Ball team scored 62 runs in a recent game.

The Ville Platte T-Ball team recently defeated the Vernon National team 62-22 in a five-inning game and some parents have suggested on social media that the coach for Ville Platte should have just taken the outs to stop the onslaught.

The team was able to score so many points because in the fifth inning of the game there is no scoring cap. Meaning that there isn't a "mercy rule."

But should the coach have surrendered the outs? Some say yes. Other parents noted that during the game the kids were exposed to temperatures with indices well over 100-degrees.

I should note here that while some parents questioned running up the score here, others have stated on social media that it is part of the game and that the Vernon National team should have gotten the third out to end Ville Platte's at-bat. Thus, some support the coach for allowing the game to go on.

Another point worth making here is this, should there be a rule change? If there was a rule on the books that limited the number of runs in an inning, this would not have happened.

Just recently we discussed the same issue with the U.S Women's Soccer team. Remember when they defeated a team by 13 points in the World Cup? Some said that was a bit excessive.

I ask, what do you think about a T-Ball team scoring 62 runs in a game? And what did the kids get out of this?

Be nice, but let us know how you feel in the comment section below.


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