Viral Tweet Explains The Exact Days We Should Celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas
Like it, or not—the holidays are here. But are we jumping into Christmas too soon?
What about Thanksgiving? All the ads I see on television feature jingle bells, or soft lighting with feel-good messaging for the "holiday season." The Starbucks cups are red, and I'm seeing mint chocolate and peppermint sneaking into numerous menu flavor lineups.
We have already gotten legitimate requests to play Christmas music, and I even know a few people who have put up their Christmas tree.
Just the other day I was at the orthodontist's office, and one of the employees was airing her grievances about how people were "jumping the gun on Christmas" and that she would not focus on Santa until she got her "feast" for Thanksgiving.
Well, enter a viral tweet that may have just explained how we could do this and make sure everyone gets what they want.
There were many copycat tweets, but this particular post from @santananicoleD had nearly 2,000 likes and tons of retweets.
Another topic that got brought up in the comments was related to Christmas music.
Speaking of viral posts, I actually ran across the following post from @laughingchicks on IG and it offered an even more detailed rundown of how you will likely be spending your holiday season.
I don't know about you, but a few of the color-coded descriptions hit too close to home for me, and I fully plan on partaking in those activities this holiday season.
So, you've got the info, and I'm curious to hear how you recognize the holiday season. Drop me a note if you celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas in a different way—or maybe a completely different holiday altogether.
In the meantime, Mariah says "it's time."
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