The White Flags You See On Camellia Boulevard Are There To Honor Lafayette Residents Who Died From COVID-19
Have you seen the white flags along Camellia Boulevard?
The flags are located in a green space near St. Barnabus Church and each one represents someone in Lafayette who has died from COVID-19. This is something that other towns have done to honor those who have lost their lives due to complications from COVID while also giving their families and loved ones a place to grieve.
It's something that New Orleans Mayor Latoya Cantrell did recently in NOLA and the idea inspired a group of locals who wanted to do something similar here in Lafayette.
While each flag represents someone from Lafayette who died from COVID-19 some flags even bear their names.
Over the weekend, Reverend Michael Bordelon of St. Barnabas church blessed the sea of white flags while a small crowd gathered. Amongst those in attendance were local leaders Senator Gerald Boudreaux, LDH Regional Medical Director Dr. Tina Stefanski, and city council members Nanette Cook and Pat Lewis.
Read the full story here via KLFY.
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