Woman Climbs Through Drive Thru Window For More Ranch, Then Twerks Upon Exiting
We live in a very demanding society.
Watch as a woman enters a fast food restaurant through the drive-thru window to demand extra ranch dressing.
After the barefoot woman argues with the workers in the restaurant, she gets what she wants and then exits in the same fashion, by climbing back through the window.
The show didn't stop there though, while the woman was climbing out of the window, she started to Twerk for the workers that she just berated.
Perhaps she was celebrating her victory in getting what she wants, but to climb through the window? And to walk around the back while demanding it?
That was a bit much for me, yet still entertaining for some.
Another video surfaced after someone allegedly jumped through a window a Popeye's but this time workers there were not some accomodating.
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