Rules are rules, but some football fans are in disagreement with the fine the NFL gave to Steelers defensive end, Cameron Heyward for honoring his father on MNF.

Cameron's father was the late Craig "Ironhead" Heyward, a former NFL fullback and a New Orleans Saints legend. "Ironhead" died at the age of 39 from brain cancer.

The NFL goes "pink" in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness every October, and this was clearly Heyward's way of honoring his father who "bravely fought cancer" before passing away at a very young age.

This isn't the only recent headline where the NFL seemed to be a little insensitive, as Heyward's teammate, D'Angelo Williams, wanted to wear pink all season long to raise awareness for breast cancer—a disease that took the life of his mother and four of his aunts.

An NFL official told him no.

Rules are rules, but do you think the NFL was out of line for fining Heyward?

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