It begins like any interview, then the reporter says the wrong thing to former boxing champ Mike Tyson. In the words of Drake..0 to 100 real quick!

Mike Tyson kind of reminds me of the Hulk. "Don't make me angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry!"

During a live TV interview with Canadian talk show, host Nathan Downer pushed the wrong buttons with Mike Tyson. Let's rewind a little bit.  Mike Tyson earlier that day visited the Mayor of Toronto Rob Ford to help him endorse his re-election campaign. This is what sparked the question form the Canadian host,

"Some of your critics would say, you know, there's a race for mayor, we know you're a convicted rapist, this could hurt his campaign."


This is all Mike Tyson needed to set him off. Tyson responds with,

"Hey, I don't know who said that. You're the only one I've heard say that. I have no comment to that, because it's negative and you're being negative. I met the Mayor. There's nothing anyone can do about it!"

The interview presses on it gets really heated. I don't want to spoil the rest. You'll have to watch the video above. The rest of the video is NSFW. Enjoy!

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