‘Black Friday Death Count’ Website Updated for 2021
Black Friday 2021 has come and gone, and unfortunately stirred up its fair share of violence and even death.
Black Friday 2020 was a fairly quiet one around the U.S. Blackfridaydeathcount.com reports only one instance of shopping violence in the U.S., although quite a serious and unfortunate one.
In a Northern California mall, two people were shot and killed according to blackfridaydeathcount.com. Although the shooting reportedly appeared to be a targeted, isolated account, it did happen on Black Friday in a shopping mall, and therefore is included in Black Friday violence.
For 2020, that was the only event reported but, unfortunately for 2021, there were quite a few more deadly situations.
Black Friday Violence 2021
According to blackfridaydeathcount.com, 2021 saw a sharp uptick in Black Friday violence across the Country with five total events reported.
Of those five events, in total eight people were shot, with three of the shooting victims being killed.
One person was shot and killed at a Walmart in Austin. Two people were shot and killed in Downtown Chicago, and one person was shot and seriously injured in the Food Court of a Mall in Tacoma, Washington.
Another shooting took place during an armed robbery of a Kennewick, Washington Walmart in which the suspect was shot and taken into custody.
And, one of the most tragic Black Friday shootings took place at a Mall in Durham, North Carolina. In total, three people were shot, one of those shooting victims being a 10-year-old girl.
(Original Story Below)
Black Friday can be a dangerous venture. Across America, every year violence erupts as people scramble to take advantage of Black Friday sales and buy items before they sell out.
Unfortunately, sometimes the violence turns deadly.
Blackfridaydeathcount.com keeps a running tab of the violence and unfortunate deaths reported each year due to Black Friday mayhem.
Dating all the way back to 2006, you'll find the year, location, and brief description of what led to the Black Friday incident. Each entry on the site is also linked to news stories about the tragic event.
Black Friday Violence
Nypost.com reports "between 2006 and 2018, according to the Hustle, 44 Black Friday incidents in America left 11 dead and 109 injured."
If you're thinking Black Friday violence and deaths are things that don't happen here, think again. In 2017, Louisiana ranked in the top 5 of "Most Violent States for Black Friday Shopping".
However, the good news is that in the latest report on Black Friday violence from reviews.org, Louisiana is only number 29.
I mean, that's kind of good news, right?
Now, you might be thinking that a website tracking and reporting Black Friday violence and deaths is pretty heartless, and you certainly wouldn't be wrong. But, that's kind of the point of blackfridaydeathcount.com.
Harming someone or taking someone's life over cheap TV is infinitely more heartless, don't you think?
As we gear up for Black Friday 2021, let's hope this list doesn't need to be updated, but you can keep track over at blackfridaydeathcount.com.