Side-By-Side Video Shows Drew Brees and Son Callen Doing Identical Spin Move
Like father, like son.
It was the perfect caption to describe a clip of Drew Brees' son Callen as he juked a defender out of his shoes in a recent flag football game. I actually felt bad for this poor kid because he was literally in a blender trying to get his hands on Callen before falling victim to a slick spin move.
Drew shared the clip on his official IG page, where he has noticeably ramped up his proud dad content in post-retirement life.
If the move looks familiar to you that's because it is. You see, what that poor kid that got juked didn't realize is that Callen's skillset on the gridiron was truly inherent, and even he may not have realized that his Brees DNA was programmed to evade defenders in that very situation.
The Saints social media team found exactly what I'm talking about, and the fact that it's against the Falcons only makes it that much sweeter.
I think it's safe to say that Callen Brees is well on his way to a solid future in athletics with the God-given abilities that he's been blessed with from his dad. Speaking of Brees kids, Drew's got a treasure trove of clips of his kids balling out on the field.
For instance, look at this form.
Check out how this Brees boy puts his foot in the ground and hits the jets.
Last, but not least, here's some solid "You Got Mossed!" content.
As Brees continues to embrace his post-retirement dad life I'm sure we'll be seeing more jukes, touchdowns, and highlights from all his kids.
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