Watch What Happens When Three Grandmas Smoke Weed For The First Time [VIDEO]
Three Grandmas decided to smoke weed for the first time ever, and it was all caught on videotape for our entertainment.
Marijuana has been around and used for thousands of years. It was criminalized in the early 20th century, but is now legal in many states throughout the country. Being that the state of Washington is one of those places, these Grandmothers decided it was time to see what the fuss was all about.
All three Grannies said they never had interest in smoking marijuana because they were either "too busy raising children" or in the average suburban lifestyle they lived, cigarettes and cocktails were enough to keep them happy.
Even if you are 100% against the legalization of the drug marijuana and everything it stands for you will enjoy watching how these Grandmother's react when they hit the bong. (especially if you watch the extended cut)
After eating snacks, playing games and even learning new words, I have a feeling their first time won't be their last.
Is it just me, or are things just funnier when Grandmothers do them?