IRS Says More Parishes Eligible For Laura And Delta Tax Relief
Heads up to anyone who wasn't aware, the IRS announced 64 Louisiana parishes are now eligible for tax relief. Most all victims living in Disaster Designation affected area by Hurricane Laura and Delta will stand to benefit, including businesses. Taxpayers looking to claim a disaster loss, must do so no later than February 16,2021.
For Delta/Laura on your 2019 or 2020 tax return have your preparer to put Disaster Designation, "Louisiana-Hurricane Delta" in bold letters at the top or your form. Make sure to include the Delta Disaster Declaration FEMA #4570. The procedure is pretty much the same for Hurricane Laura. Your tax preparer needs to put Disaster Designation, "Louisiana-Hurricane Laura" in bold letters at the top or your form. Include the Laura Disaster Declaration FEMA #4559.
For tax relief, other tax relief options and more got to: https://www.irs.gov/newrool/around-the-nation-louisiana

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