If ever you are in need of something to make you relax after a long day at work or after a long day with the kids, keep this blog on stand-by. The song is titled "Weightless" and it is by an English band named Marconi Union. Still you ask, what makes this song the most relaxing ever, well here is a brief explanation for you.

“They have created a song they call Weightless which has become, officially, the most relaxing song ever. That is the verdict of the [scientists] who say that its sustaining rhythm, the harmonic intervals, the absence of a repeated melody and the use of ‘whooshing sounds and hums’ all combine to make the perfect aural narcoleptic. It is so effective that drivers are being warned not to put it on the car stereo,” reports The Telegraph.

We should advice you, if you are at work or in the car, don't give it a try just yet. It may be to your advantage and in the best interest in your safety to turn up the speakers once you are at home. This disclaimer is somewhat like what you see on bottles of medicine that could cause drowsiness.

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