When you don't pay your rent, at some point you will usually get kicked out. One Baton Rouge man had that happen to him, but he didn't go without a fight.

Ernesto Rebolorio-Asencio, 35, was recently kicked out of his apartment by his roommate because he didn't pay the rent. Instead of going quietly into that good night, Rebolorio-Asencio got a fire starter and allegedly set fire to the apartment.

Yep, that'll usually get you arrested.

According to the Baton Rouge Fire Department, investigators apprehended and arrested the 35-year-old man for aggravated arson and theft.

Baton Rouge Fire Department, Facebook
Baton Rouge Fire Department, Facebook

On Tuesday, August 8 around 6:25 pm, the Baton Rouge Fire Department was dispatched to investigate a possible fire at 675 North Carrollton Avenue near N. Ardenwood Drive.

When they arrived, investigators spoke with a man who told them that he kicked his roommate out for not having his part of the rent money.

The victim then went to his bedroom to take a nap, but a short time later, he began to smell smoke at his bedroom door. The man woke up only to find his bedroom door had been set on fire.

close-up of flames from a fire rising
Stockbyte, Getty Stock / ThinkStock

A spokesperson for the Baton Rouge Fire Department said that's when the victim discovered his roommate had packed his belongings and left.

He also noticed that money was missing from the apartment. The roommate later returned to the scene to retrieve items he forgot behind when he left the apartment. It was then that investigators were able to apprehend the suspect.

Rebolorio-Asencio was then booked into the East Baton Rouge Parish Prison.

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