Everyone loves a good wish list. A Christmas wish list, a birthday wish list, a general wish list -- things we can only dream and hope to happen or to have. What about a job perks wish list?

Trusaic conducted a poll to see what employees wish their job employers offered as far as benefits go, and the answers definitely DID NOT disappoint.

Via: Arlington Research
Via: Arlington Research

There are a couple of choices that I can go along with but some of them are a little outlandish for me. I've picked the funniest/most valid responses and we're gonna break them down. Prepare yourself, and write these down for future work meeting proposals.

  • Paid Celebration Recovery Leave a.k.a Hangover Leave

Via: Thom Masat
Via: Thom Masat

This one is pretty much valid and my top choice, especially here in south Louisiana. Post-Mardi Gras, post-Festival Internationale, post-football anything... we are all on the struggle bus. There's nothing worse than going to work the day after you have too much fun (besides traveling hungover, that's the 7th circle of hell). Give us a day or two to recover so we can get back to being our best :)

  • Breakup Leave

Via: Courtney Clayton
Via: Courtney Clayton

We've all gone through some not-so-nice breakups or messy breakups. They're emotional, they're exhausting, and they can definitely make you lose attention to your job responsibilities. It's easy to say check your personal stuff at the door, but sometimes, you just can't. Whether it be time to heal a broken heart or to just get your stuff out of their place or vice versa...I like this one.

  • Social Media Detox Days

Via: Austin Distel
Via: Austin Distel

In today's times, I think this one is vital. Not for just a break, but for a mental break. Working in the news business, you eat, sleep and breathe social media and constantly want to be in the know. That really damages your brain, thought process, and overall outlook on life. Taking a good break from all socials is a necessity these days. Mandated breaks for it are even better.

  • Compassionate Leave for Heartsick Sports Fans

Via: Joshua Peacock
Via: Joshua Peacock

As a diehard, life-long Dallas Cowboys fan...I don't need to say how much I agree with this one. Nothing worse than going to work after staying up too late, and basically stepping into a shark tank filled with co-workers giving you nothing but sh*t about your team messing up and losing. Stay home, lick your wounds, and go back in the next day just a little bit stronger.

  • Houseplant Bereavement Leave

Via: Annie Spratt
Via: Annie Spratt

You lost me with this one. I can barely keep myself alive, much less a plant. 5% of people that responded to this poll voted for this one. There's not much else to say about this one....except sorry for your loss.

Here's the full results from the job perks wish list:

Via: Trusaic.com
Via: Trusaic.com

Which one of these are you riding behind? Are there any other events that warrant leave or freebies?

I'm going to be a big supporter of the hangover leave. I think the majority of Louisiana will.

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