The Krewe of Carnivale en Rio has announced that they will move forward with their plans for the Mardi Gras Ball on January 9, 2021. The Krewe of Rio Facebook post says that they will follow any mandates in place at the time of the ball. The Krewe also said its board is working very hard to move forward with the best Mardi Gras experience under extraordinary circumstances while keeping the members and the Acadiana community at the forefront of all of their decisions.

Rio is one of the most attended Mardi Gras balls in Acadiana. Founded in 2005 by eleven friends with a passion for Mardi Gras, it brought a fresh and vibrant vibe to the Acadiana Mardi Gras experience. They have a bold impact of Brazil and known to throw one heck of a party. While it certainly will be sad if they have to end up canceling later due to the pandemic and a resurgence, in the time being let’s just be happy that for now, it’s still a go.

Krewe of Carnivale en Rio Facebook
Krewe of Carnivale en Rio Facebook

The krewe will keep the community informed every step of the way. Be sure to like their Facebook page to stay updated.

Many events are continuing to be canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic, including some Mardi Gras events. The Krewe of Apollo announced on Thursday that their Mardi Gras Ball, Bal Masque XLV, that was scheduled for January 30, 2021. Their Facebook announcement said that because of the pandemic and the potential of a resurgence in the winter, they believe that moving forward with the ball in 2021 wouldn’t be in the best interest of their guests, sponsors, and the community as a whole.


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