Louisiana Residents Search for Unclaimed Cash in 48 Other States
For a lot of us, Louisiana has been our home for all of our lives. We've put down roots in Lafayette or Lake Charles, Baton Rouge, or some other smaller community and have been living the good life ever since. Then there are those of us who have lived in other places before we made our homes in Louisiana or we've been like the "prodigal son" and returned home to the place of our birth.
If you've lived or worked in other states there is a reasonable assumption that you've had to pay rent deposits, utility deposits, or maybe earned money from a job that you have since left. Up until just recently finding out if you had unclaimed money was pretty difficult in other states but an online site that's now available offers folks like you and me the chance to peer into the coffers of other places we may have lived or visited to see if we left more than our footprints behind.
The site is called MissingMoney.com. It works very similarly to Louisiana's unclaimed money website, which you can search right here. Louisiana Treasurer John Schroder says the Missing Money website will be especially useful for Louisiana military families who may have been stationed out of state or deployed out of state.
I would imagine students who have attended out-of-state universities you might have some unexpected cash waiting for them as well. If you'd like to check for unclaimed funds in Louisiana, you can use this Louisiana-Specific search site, here.
The site was launched about two months ago and searches have already soared into the millions with more than 137,000 claims being made through the linked-together databases. Site organizers believe there could be billions of dollars in unclaimed cash in the form of uncashed checks from former employers, financial institutions, insurance companies, stocks and bond certificates, safe deposit boxes, and brokerage accounts.
It will cost you nothing to search and your information will be kept secure. In fact, I just searched my name and found that I have an undisclosed amount of cash, less than $50, waiting for me from a previous address in Mississippi. Should you have a claim, the website is easy to navigate and easy to use too. Good Luck.
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