As National Media Exits, Lake Charles Mayor Nic Hunter Begs People To ‘Not Forget About Lake Charles’
The cameras may be gone, but Lake Charles is only beginning to pick up the pieces.
When the devastating winds of Hurricane Laura were whipping through Southwest Louisiana back, members of the national media were there to catch it all in real-time. We saw high-rise windows shattering and rooftops being ripped off of buildings in what seemed like fractions of a second.
At first light, there was no shortage of drone footage and overhead images of the damage that was left in Laura's path. Just about every major network covered the storm as help rushed in. Now, weeks after the storm made landfall on August 27, the only cameras in Lake Charles belong to local media as getting the word out for relief efforts are more crucial than ever.
Many of the few who were lucky enough to have their homes spared are still out of power and are still weeks away from the lights coming back on. While regional efforts from neighbors, non-profits, and good samaritans continue to keep his city on life support, Lake Charles Mayor Nic Hunter is asking that people don't "forget about Lake Charles."
The video from Hunter has been shared over 7,000 times within 24 hours and his message is an important one. Many commenters offered help and reminded Mayor Hunter that there are many who will not forget Lake Charles during their time of need.
As Lake Charles and other areas in south Louisiana have been rocked by this record storm, even something as small as a share will go a long way, so let's do what we can as Mayor Nic Hunter and others continue down the long road to recovery.
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