SNL Pokes Fun at New Orleans Tourists
We all know someone who thinks because they get drunk in the French Quarter several times a year, they know everything there is to know about New Orleans. It's normally further from the truth, making them wrong and in most cases naive to the ways of the Crescent City and the Bayou State for that matter. It's hilariously accurate.
Saturday Night Live takes tourists to task for their ill-gotten information, as actor James McAvoy and SNL cast member Heidi Gardener play "a well-traveled and obnoxious couple" who just returned from a visit to Nawlins, which no one in the City says.
The obnoxious couple meets up with friends at a restaurant set in Fort Lauderdale, FL, with Keenan Thompson playing one of the friends who just so happens to be from New Orleans. He's quickly annoyed by the self-absorbed couple with their fake accents; improper pronunciation of New Orleans; and ignorance about the city itself. Thompson ends the dinner telling them "our friendship has been terminated" and proceeds to exit with the others, leaving the couple at the table to annoy the waitress with a request for "those little N'awlins fans" which the waitress snaps back with a sarcastic "No! uh uh."
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