The name of the art piece is "Remains" and Southside High School Junior Maria Dutile is the artist who has one this year;s 2019 Congressional Art Competition for Louisiana's Third Congressional District.

Dutile drew a self-potrait in the medium of charcoal.

So how was this work chosen to be this year's winners? Congressman Clay Higgins brought together local art professionals and artists to make this year's winning selection.

Dutile will have her work, "Remains", displayed in the United State Capitol for the period of one year.

Congressman Clay Higgins says,

South Louisiana is blessed with many talented student artists, and our judges had a tough decision. Maria's artwork showcases a high-level of skill, and we are proud to have it representing Louisiana's 3rd District in the national exhibit.

The artwork of everyone who submitted their creations can be seen at the Crowley Art Association Monday through Friday from 10 o'clock each morning through 4 o'clock each afternoon.

The submissions will be up through May 3.


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