
Check Out The World’s Scariest Bathroom – Would You Use It? [PHOTOS]
Check Out The World’s Scariest Bathroom – Would You Use It? [PHOTOS]
Check Out The World’s Scariest Bathroom – Would You Use It? [PHOTOS]
Most people are funny about where they relieve themselves. Some folks can't do certain bathroom duties outside of their own home. Others have been known to strip completely naked in order to do any bathroom business, no matter where they happened to be (eww, public restrooms). A group of architects in Guadalajara just took the bathroom game to a whole new level that even has me, a guy who can go a
Kesha Tweets Photo Of Herself Peeing In The Street [Photo]
Kesha Tweets Photo Of Herself Peeing In The Street [Photo]
Kesha Tweets Photo Of Herself Peeing In The Street [Photo]
As a guy, I know that we, guys, can go to the bathroom anywhere (its not right we know), but I think Kesha might be taking going to the bathroom to a whole different level.  As you can see, couldn't she have retreated to the woods or somewhere with a little more cover?
The Top-10 Moments To Visit The Restroom During The Superbowl [LIST]
The Top-10 Moments To Visit The Restroom During The Superbowl [LIST]
The Top-10 Moments To Visit The Restroom During The Superbowl [LIST]

During most sports broadcasts the average fan will make an escape to the restroom during any given commercial break or halftime show. However, during the Superbowl that idea or practice of running to the restroom during a commercial break is quickly erased. Most would agree that during a Superbowl broadcast, the commercials are at times just as entertaining as the game. So you ask, when is the BEST time to go to the restroom during the Superbowl...We break it down for you.

Dog Pees In Owners Mouth [VIDEO]
Dog Pees In Owners Mouth [VIDEO]
Dog Pees In Owners Mouth [VIDEO]
Lately there has been a slew of funny videos and I think the reason for this is that people are just COOL.  I saw this the other day on youtube and couldn't stop thinking/laughing at it so I thought I would share it with you guys.