Lafayette weatherman Daniel Phillips offered the most on-target assessment of the New Orleans Saints season opener yesterday. He even got in a shot a Sean Payton too.
I hope that that car is repaired or replaced soon, serious injury or death can occur if one of those tires blows. It is funny to see it moving, though.
Knowing that she has his best interests at heart, he doesn't often get junk food. So he devises a way to convince her that the chocolate bar is healthy.
Amazon drivers, like most people who work for delivery carriers, have to deal with a ton of obstacles such as traffic, dogs, rude customers and even insects.
Golfers love to say, "It's never a bad day if you're on the golf course". Unless, of course, you are this guy who accidentally sends a golf cart crashing through double glass doors. To make matters worse, he proceeds to send the cart crashing through the pro-shop, seemingly destroying everything.
With December upon us and the holiday season in full force, the excitement is high for all of those excited for Christmas. One little boy in particular is so excited to see houses decorated for the holidays, he can barely contain himself.