
Lady Lives In Serial Killer's House
Lady Lives In Serial Killer's House
Lady Lives In Serial Killer's House
Would you want to live in a house with a spooky past? This woman found out while watching television that the home she lived in was once a house of horrors.
Michael Jordan’s House Is Now Up For Auction [VIDEO]
Michael Jordan’s House Is Now Up For Auction [VIDEO]
Michael Jordan’s House Is Now Up For Auction [VIDEO]
All I can say is WOW! Michael Jordan's house is up for sale, and it's huge. It's so huge it has 19 bathrooms and is over 56,000 square feet. Everything is custom made, from the #23 gate to the dining room table. Jordan lived in this house for over 19 years, and has everything from an island swimming pool to it's own indoor basketball court (of course.)
10 Useful Clothing Tricks In 60 Seconds [VIDEO]
10 Useful Clothing Tricks In 60 Seconds [VIDEO]
10 Useful Clothing Tricks In 60 Seconds [VIDEO]
Its pretty safe to say everyone has been in a situation were they are constantly on the move and most of the time we neglect doing something at the house.  I know for myself its always folding clothes and if your in my situation, I found a video that can help us out!