
Thousands Raised For 90-Year-Old Louisiana Veteran
Thousands Raised For 90-Year-Old Louisiana Veteran
Thousands Raised For 90-Year-Old Louisiana Veteran
Swensen discovered that he needs $2500 a month to live, and he only gets $1,100 from Social Security, so he's working at Winn-Dixie, "pushing carts in triple-digit heat," just get by and make ends meet. Despite the task at hand, Swensen said he has the "kindest smile" and "the greatest attitude" that was not diminished by the mundane task or the sweltering Louisiana heat.
Louisiana Native and WWII Veteran Celebrates His 112th Birthday
Louisiana Native and WWII Veteran Celebrates His 112th Birthday
Louisiana Native and WWII Veteran Celebrates His 112th Birthday
So when I saw this news story I just knew I had to share it with everyone! The nation’s oldest living World War II veteran, Lawrence Brooks, has turned another year older. Not only is Lawrence Brooks 112 but he is a Louisiana native.