Every day you should find something to be grateful for. Today we’re grateful that the man with the world’s deepest voice uses it mostly for singing ‘Amazing Grace’ and never uses it for making the brown sound. ‘South Park’-ers known what we’re talking about. Although the idea that Tim Storms could do that if he wanted to probably adds to the excitement of seeing him in concert.
A member of the studio audience revealed some of the things that happened during Justin Bieber‘s guest spot on ‘The Voice’ last Tuesday (April 17), during which he revealed the release date for ‘Boyfriend.’ The Biebs made his bombshell reveal and then quickly bounced. He was seen later that night at a Lakers game, smooching with his lady love Selena Gomez, who had just performed on ‘Dancing With t
Sure, he’s hard at work promoting his new single with Mick Jagger and Jennifer Lopez, but will.i.am has never been satisfied doing only one thing — so he’s just added another job to his ever-growing stack of duties as a 21st century pop culture kingpin.