Last Saturday, a 48-year-old woman named Sharon Hart was at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago for her third straight day of chemotherapy. Knowing that his mom wasn't feeling well, Sharon's 14-year-old son, William, wrote a message to her in the snow just below her hospital room window.

The message William wrote to his mom in the snow read, "Hi, Mom," with the "O" as a big smiley face. Then, William and other family members thought that it would be a good idea to go back up to the roof of the parking garage and add more to the original message. But this time the message would be for all of the patients in the hospital.

William, along with his dad and his uncle, returned to the snow covered roof of the parking garage and started to add the words, "God Bless You All." As you can see, they ran out of real estate and were only able to add "God Bless U"  to the original message."

Other patients in the hospital were notified of the message and many retreated to their hospital room window to see the message a 14-year-old boy and his family had left behind for all of them.

A nurse working at the hospital snapped this photo and posted it onto Facebook. Since then, this photo has gone viral, and this family's message has touched more than just the patients at that hospital in Chicago.

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