
An Awesome Alternative To Pencils – #Winning College
An Awesome Alternative To Pencils – #Winning College
An Awesome Alternative To Pencils – #Winning College
Well, the holidays are over, and soon everyone will be returning to school. In light of the pending return to the grueling academic grind, I'll be bringing you a weekly series of tips and tricks to becoming the coolest kid on campus. I'll give you fair warning though, this series is not for the feint of heart. You're going to need your juevos if you plan on executing at this level of awesomeness. So read and implement at your own risk. And remember, Town Square Media, and especially Sam Stokes, are in no way responsible for your own stupidity. Especially Sam Stokes though.
Amazing Pen Skills
Amazing Pen Skills
Amazing Pen Skills
If you've ever wondered what your hard earned tax dollars are doing for the educational system, look no further than Shane Bang. I always wondered why we had to buy two boxes of pens at school.