
9 Wacky People Who Show Up for Thanksgiving Dinner
9 Wacky People Who Show Up for Thanksgiving Dinner
9 Wacky People Who Show Up for Thanksgiving Dinner
Ah, Thanksgiving. Every family’s tradition is different, but some things always ring true. There will always be a motley crew of folks coming together to celebrate and slip into a tryptophan-induced slumber. Here are the people who show up at Thanksgiving dinner...
Jimmy Kimmel’s New Black Friday Commercial Nails It [VIDEO]
Jimmy Kimmel’s New Black Friday Commercial Nails It [VIDEO]
Jimmy Kimmel’s New Black Friday Commercial Nails It [VIDEO]
It's that time of year again, it's cooling down outside and the leaves are starting to fall to the ground. It's so beautiful this time of year. We start to make plans on where we are going to be for Thanksgiving, and some of us plan on what we're going to cook for our families. Then the ads start up on TV. The Black Friday deals start to pop up in our emails, and you start thinking to yourself, sh
The Funniest Black Friday Memes
The Funniest Black Friday Memes
The Funniest Black Friday Memes
It's Black Friday, and you know what that means -- hiding in your home away from the world while people desperately claw at each other's faces to buy a Wii U for their kid. The madness is not for everybody. Some of us like to eat cold turkey all day and wonder how a person could be so hungover. For those of us who would rather spend time with our TVs watching 'Star Wars' than rioting over discount
Take a Heaping Helping of TheFW’s Best of Thanksgiving
Take a Heaping Helping of TheFW’s Best of Thanksgiving
Take a Heaping Helping of TheFW’s Best of Thanksgiving
The magical day has finally arrived -- Thanksgiving. Don't worry if you're not the football type. We've put together all of our best Thanksgiving content right here in one concentrated area, because your fingers are probably too tired from eating to type very muh. We care about you. We really do. Happy Turkey Day, everyone!
The 10 Funniest Thanksgiving ‘SNL’ Skits
The 10 Funniest Thanksgiving ‘SNL’ Skits
The 10 Funniest Thanksgiving ‘SNL’ Skits
Thanksgiving is almost here and while Thanksgiving doesn't have the carols or claymation specials of Christmas but that doesn't mean that Turkey Day is without its traditions. There's turkey and wine and football and bickering with your family and the classic 'SNL' sketches. We've compiled the best Thanksgiving skits 'SNL' has aired over the years for your viewing pleasure.
UL’s ‘Pride Of Acadiana’ Marching Band Has Arrived In New York City [VIDEO]
UL’s ‘Pride Of Acadiana’ Marching Band Has Arrived In New York City [VIDEO]
UL’s ‘Pride Of Acadiana’ Marching Band Has Arrived In New York City [VIDEO]
After several months of practicing, and weeks of uncertainty if they would even make it to New York City, UL's "Pride Of Acadiana" Marching Band has arrived in New York for the annual Thanksgiving Macy's Day Parade. They are one of only TEN bands in the country invited to march in the parade, with almost 400 total bands applying for the honor.

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