As temperatures start warming up in Acadiana we can expect snakes to start coming around. This is the perfect recipe for you to meet a snake. By meet a snake, I mean freak out and have a mild heart attack. However, if or when you do happen upon a snake, here's how you should handle it, and here's a list of the snakes found in Louisiana that can potentially be dangerous.

Snakes are most active whenever temperatures are between 80-90F.  This means that the snakes may be active most of the day during the spring, and during the early mornings and late afternoons throughout the summer.

If you encounter a snake, your first thought might be to go after the snake with whatever yard tool you have handy, but it is not recommended. In fact, the vast majority of bites from snakes occur when they are being attacked by humans. Instead, if you happen to observe a snake, Puckett recommends three basic rules:

"Step back, step away, get to a hospital."

So, what snakes do we have here in Acadiana that are dangerous?

Louisiana Department Of Wildlife & Fisheries
Louisiana Department Of Wildlife & Fisheries
Louisiana Department Of Wildlife & Fisheries
Louisiana Department Of Wildlife & Fisheries
Louisiana Department Of Wildlife & Fisheries
Louisiana Department Of Wildlife & Fisheries
Louisiana Department Of Wildlife & Fisheries
Louisiana Department Of Wildlife & Fisheries
Louisiana Department Of Wildlife & Fisheries
Louisiana Department Of Wildlife & Fisheries
Louisiana Department Of Wildlife & Fisheries
Louisiana Department Of Wildlife & Fisheries
Louisiana Department Of Wildlife & Fisheries
Louisiana Department Of Wildlife & Fisheries


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