Mickey Shunick Reward Upped To $25,000, Mother Nancy Shunick Speaks At Candlelight Vigil [VIDEO]
By now the message is clear. Bring Mickey Home. Approximately 1000 volunteers have stepped up in the search for Mickey Shunick - the Lafayette girl who has been missing for 5 days now. The reward for information leading to her return home has been upped to $25,000 and search efforts have intensified.
Last night there was a candlelight vigil and our very own Chris Reed had the opportunity to speak with Mickey's mother Nancy Shunick. I have to be honest, it was hard for me to not get emotional while filming the interview; especially with the outpouring of love from the community in support of Mickey Shunick's family and friends.
As we have stressed before, sharing this post .. sharing this video ... sharing ANY information will aid in the efforts to Bring Mickey Home.
Mickey Shunick: Mother Nancy Shunick Speaks At Candlelight Vigil