A video was recently shared to social media and it shows what appears to be a mother raccoon carrying her baby out from a small hole in a damaged tree. The mother instinctually moved her babies out of the tree after a branch had fallen.

Some folks refer to them as "trash pandas", but this video proves that raccoons also have great instincts.

Twitter via @JManningTV
Twitter via @JManningTV

It's hurricane season here in Acadiana and unfortunately that means there is potential for high winds and rain to be passing through the area. Those weather conditions often lead to home damage and also fallen trees.

One thing you may not consider when a tree or a branch falls down during bad weather is the animals that called the tree home. A recent video shared online shows how one mother raccoon was forced to relocate her crew after a their home was damaged.


The video shows the momma raccoon scaling up and down the tree with her babies dangling from her mouth.

Now I'm no animal expert, but my guess is that the branches falling off of the tree was a sign to the mother that this was no longer a safe home for her young ones.

Mother Raccoon Instinctually Moves Babies Out of Damaged Tree

See the moment via @JManningTV on Twitter below.

Nature can be pretty cool sometimes. The next time you see a raccoon around your house, maybe consider what else they've got going on in their life - like a move.

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