Tik Tok Hack Revealed – Get All the Peanut Butter Out of the Jar
One of the reasons I don't invite people to my home very often is the fact that I like to keep the place in a state of disarray. It works well for me but seems to drive those with a penchant for cleanliness right up the wall. One of my latest visitors popped by around lunchtime over the weekend and being the amazing host that I am, I offered my friend some lunch, in the form of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
No, I am not seven years old and neither is my friend, I just happen to like peanut butter and jelly and so does he. But it was during the creation of our gourmet lunch that my dear friend let me in on a little trick. This trick allows you to get all of the peanut butter out of the jar.
Shut. The. Front. Door.
One of my biggest gripes in this world is having my hands dirty. Okay, more particularly, having my hands sticky. When you're having to slide most of your hand into the peanut butter jar to get the last remaining bits of goodness out of the bottom, your hand will get sticky.
But not anymore.
I was turned on to this peanut butter hack by Tik Tok member Rachel Mansfield. I later found out that Rachel messes with food for a living. She is a chef and creates a lot of recipes on her Tik Tok channel. But the peanut butter hack was the one that grabbed my attention.
Here it is.
So Rachel's secret weapon in the war against leftover peanut butter is a spatula. Notice the technique she uses, it's important that you slide the peanut butter off the sides and toward the bottom so you can really scoop it out.
We did find this other hack which was reported to yield similar results but as you can see in the video below, the Tik Tok subscriber in this video was attempting to accomplish something totally different.
What's fascinating about that hack, the spinning hack, is that its origins come from the world of drug smuggling. Apparently, smugglers use the technique to make packages of "contraband" look like unopened versions of perfectly legal products.
So, now you know how to smuggle things in a jar of peanut butter and you know how to get all the peanut butter out of the jar. I wonder if that method also works for mayonnaise too? Hmm, it looks like we have another experiment to try, don't we?
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