
Google Glasses Can Be Yours for a Price
Google Glasses Can Be Yours for a Price
Google Glasses Can Be Yours for a Price
In April, Google announced to the world Project Glass, augmented reality goggles that use Google maps, GPS technology, gyroscopes, powerful mini-processors and voice recognition software to keep the wearer connected to the internet completely hands-free. Now this science fiction-like technology is available to buy. Sort of.
The New Google Algorithm Ranks This Video As The Funniest On Youtube [VIDEO]
The New Google Algorithm Ranks This Video As The Funniest On Youtube [VIDEO]
The New Google Algorithm Ranks This Video As The Funniest On Youtube [VIDEO]
We all know that youtube is full of crazy, wild, and wacky videos. However, the Google Algorithm team has listed its top nine funniest videos on youtube. The criteria used were tags, number of hits on the video, title, description , and input from "trained classifiers." So, according to Google Algorithm, what is the FUNNIEST video on youtube?? Find out here.
Google’s Most Searched Teen Angie Varona Speaks Out On Being Sexually Exploited [VIDEO]
Google’s Most Searched Teen Angie Varona Speaks Out On Being Sexually Exploited [VIDEO]
Google’s Most Searched Teen Angie Varona Speaks Out On Being Sexually Exploited [VIDEO]
If you google the name Angie Varona, you will get more than 600-thousand results from the search engine. Reason being, when she was just fourteen years old, some rather racy photos of Angie leaked out onto the internet and she became an overnight sex symbol. Yes, a fourteen year old girl's life was turned up side down all over images she took for her first boyfriend.
The Google+ Project Takes Aim at Facebook [VIDEO]
The Google+ Project Takes Aim at Facebook [VIDEO]
The Google+ Project Takes Aim at Facebook [VIDEO]
After several prior failed attempts to challenge social media behemoth Facebook, Google introduced a new service on Tuesday that it hopes will finally do the trick. Called the Google+ project, it’s currently only available to a select group of Google users — they’ll soon be able to invite others — and it will let people share and discuss status updates, photos and links, just like they do on Faceb
Lady Gaga Calls Rebecca Black A ‘Genius’
Lady Gaga Calls Rebecca Black A ‘Genius’
Lady Gaga Calls Rebecca Black A ‘Genius’
Lady Gaga recently sat with Google and did a special 'Google Goes Gaga' interview where she weighed in on the 13 year old YouTube sensation that the world now knows as Rebecca Black (singer of the not-so-good-but-still-insanely-popular song 'Friday') Gaga who believes in everyone staying true to who they are gave some very